WHAT is Wednesday Night Alive?
Wednesday Night Alive is time to gather together to hear stories from life that connect the messages of God’s love for all people. .
Come for the stories – shared by speakers who know and have experienced God’s powerful love in the face of life’s many challenges. Come hear the message of God’s mercy, grace and forgiveness.
Come for community, come for the food!
All people are welcome – period
Old #1 Bar & Grill, Southside
412 S Atlantic Ave
Morris, MN 56267
No time for a meal before Wednesday Night Alive? Join us for a FREE meal at Old #1 Southside! Our gift to you! Meal starts at 6pm.
Featured Speaker
Dan is an author, minister, husband, father and friend. Born to deaf parents, Dan Herod’s life began in rare fashion. Soon after, Dan found himself being raised in a single-parent home by his loving father. Learning sign language helped Dan discover how to hear with more than his ears and has shaped the way he looks at life in profound ways. Since the day he arrived on this planet, his journey has been anything but ordinary. Resilient through all kinds of adversity, Dan draws on the uniqueness of his past to drive his hope-filled vision of the future.