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Wednesday Night Alive

WHAT is Wednesday Night Alive?

Wednesday Night Alive is time to gather together to hear stories from life that connect the messages of God’s love for all people. .

Come for the stories – shared by speakers who know and have experienced God’s powerful love in the face of life’s many challenges.  Come hear the message of God’s mercy, grace and forgiveness.

Come for community, come for the food!

All people are welcome – period


Old #1 Bar & Grill, Southside

412 S Atlantic Ave

Morris, MN 56267 

No time for a meal before Wednesday Night Alive? Join us for a FREE meal at Old #1 Southside! Our gift to you! Meal starts at 6pm.

Featured Speaker

Terrance Talley:

Terrence has traveled across the country spreading the message of hope and resilience speaking to students and adults alike for the past five years. Growing up in the Twin Cities of MN Terrence uses his relationship with his parents growing up, heartbreaking moments that were endured and the joy of being a father to convey a message you won’t soon forget. Terrence is a communicator that you won’t just remember what he said but also, how he made you feel. So get ready, your in for a ride and don’t worry you can get your “Dad Hug” along the way.

July 20

Wednesday Night Alive

August 16

Sr. High Fusion Student Leadership Team Meeting